Saturday, July 12, 2014

Vidito Day Two

Settling in. Loving it! Quick run/walk this morning. 

Legs killed but did it. 

Ayles showed up. Finally!! But not as lite as they had us believing!

Great steak dinner! Fun for all!

Mosquitos times a plenty!

Camp Brigadoon

Nick had himself a class trip. Brigadoon Kids Camp in South Alton. 

He wasn't too sure about how he felt about staying overnight somewhere other than home, so dad drug the trailer up to keep him company.  Quite the place!!

Two nights this stop. 

Vidito Family Campground

First morning post of the first real family vacation of 2014. 

At Vidito Family Campround just outside of Middleton, NS. Arrived yesterday, set up and just kicked back!

The elders found the restaurant. Of course. The littles just happy to camp!

Alicia sat in the sun and commented, "As good as the Dominican!" Not so sure about that!

Hit Avery's for ice cream last evening. Perfect day!

Just waiting for the Ayles to arrive today. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A little more caching...

Did some drive caches in the afternoon. 

Went out after dinner for a few more caches. Well done. 

I think 21 total for the day!

Graves. Day 2.

Woke up around 800. Breakfast and some Myth Busters. Then headed out on the trail for some geocaching. 

Quite the trail system they have here in Chester. Very impressive!

I think about 10 caches found in 2 hour ride. 
Finished off by visit to Tim's. 

Graves in May

Geared up the trailer for another year of adventure. 

This first trip is just Dad and Nick. Little weekend getaway for the boys. 

Left after school on Friday and were were set up by four. 

Supper of chicken and pasta at five. Bike ride around the island trail by six. 

Few episodes of Sons of Guns and call it a day!

One little glitch. Knock on door at eight. Apparently in the wrong spot! 15 minutes later, all is well!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Spring 2014!

Spring "springs" tomorrow. On my last day of March vacation, I took the RV out of storage and placed it in the yard. Gives me lots of time to prep it for the camping season. A few things I want to do with it this year. 

First trip of the year planned for third week in May. Boys weekend!