Thursday, May 19, 2016

Seasonal. Day one.

 A three day weekend didn't seem long enough. So, being the bad parents we are, picked up kids early from school and headed out. 

Still, didn't get to Yogi until 445 or so. I won't lie, the lot wasn't quite as expected. Needed a mow ($2700 doesn't buy mower service), and take up last years mess that was left behind. 

Finally got to eat around 7. But, water set up, power, satellite, the works. All good to go. 

Now kicking back and chillin. 

Fire tomorrow night. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

2016 Prep

Welcome to 2016. Every trip starts somewhere. This one, Access NS for the transit permit. And as always, the line is long. Most popular place on the planet. 

After this excursion, home to dig out the remains of 2015, vacuum, mop, shine and pack. 

We are seasonal this year, so only one towing road trip and park the old girl for our fun summer.